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Dear visitors,
Greetings, and welcome. 
You probably know me as a scholar. Yet, I try to make my life not confined to the ivory towers of thought; I also serve as a Firefighter and an auxiliary Police Officer.
To live is not merely to exist, but to engage, to experience, to embrace the full spectrum of life’s offerings, while providing help to those in need.


Enclosed herein, you will find my Curriculum Vitae, a detailed account of my scholarly and vocational pursuits. Additionally, a selection of photographs suitable for use is available on the adjacent page. Should you desire to engage in correspondence or require further elucidation on any matter presented, please do not hesitate to utilize the contact information provided below.

Your inquiries and interest are most welcome and appreciated.

With regards,

Shaoyu Yuan



您或许知晓我为一名学者。然而我努力让我的生活不仅限于思考的象牙塔;我还担任消防员和辅警。 生活不仅是存在,更是参与、体验和拥抱生活所提供的一切,同时为需要帮助的人提供帮助。




袁 绍御

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